BUFFALO, N.Y. (WKBW) — Michael Ciesiulka has owned and operated JJ's Casa Di Pizza for the past two years.
"I like being part of the community making food. Making food that people enjoy," he said.

The popular pizza place moved to Mohawk Street in 2015.
"Downtown was pretty desolate and now there's a pretty thriving couple blocks down here," he said.

Ciesiulka hopes that thriving energy will continue with plans to revitalize the Mohawk Parking Ramp finally nearing approval.
"The ramp is not really beautiful looking building so it'll be nice to have something that is modern and you know well-designed," Ciesiulka said.
On Tuesday, Buffalo's Common Council will vote on the agreement and plans between the city and Douglas Development to bring life to this area highlighted on the map below. Construction could start as early as this year if approved.

Fillmore District Council member Mitch Nowakowski — who represents this part of Downtown Buffalo — said it's important to move forward with a project that's been talked about for the past four years.

"Finally the ball is rolling. I wanted to see it quicker, but I'm happy that it's at the council now, and I want people to know that, you know, yes, this did take a long time, but we're getting a good bang for our buck, and we're ultimately getting a good deal for Buffalonians," Nowakowski said. "It really will be transformational, and really will be a pinnacle project to help jump-start Downtown Buffalo."

Douglas Development will be revitalizing this area and parking garage in three phases.
Phase One:
- Invest $2 million towards structural improvements to the parking ramp to make 586 parking spots available immediately
- Redevelop the Simon West Property to create 60 apartments
- Add 5,000 square feet of commercial space
- Development should take no longer than two years
Phase Two:
- Construct two additional parking decks in the parking ramp for a total of 900 parking spots
- Redevelop the Simon East Property and/or Main Street properties to add 250 apartments
- Development should take no longer than two years
Phase Three:
- Obtain "necessary financing" to add residential apartments to the parking ramp
- Construct no less than 450 apartments (15% of the apartment creation must be affordable housing units)
- Development should take no longer than two years