BUFFALO, N.Y. (WKBW) — There are graffiti concerns in the City of Buffalo. It's a quality-of-life crime that can be difficult to keep up with leaving eyesores scattered throughout the city.
A viewer sent an email asking 7 News to look into the problem along parts of the 190 where there are several spaces covered by graffiti.

Sam Lunetta, a retired lieutenant from Buffalo State University, is with the anti-graffiti task force of Buffalo.
"We try and get it cleaned up as part as quickly as possible," Lunetta said.

Lunetta said he's seeing an increase in graffiti again around the area.
"If you see the graffiti around a lot of people think, 'Oh, it's nice, it's colorful this and that.' It's still vandalizing other individuals' property," Lunetta added. "These are individuals that are out there and causing the vandalism."

His task force has been around for more than 20 years. The group keeps track of trouble spots and works closely with law enforcement.
"It is vandalism, and that if they don't call the police and don't get it taken down that's kind of enabling them to go out and do it more," he said.

A City of Buffalo spokesperson said covering up the graffiti is a "constant battle." On Monday alone, crews removed graffiti around the city including Elmwood Avenue, Allen, Michigan, Scott and Ryan Streets.
"It costs money to clean that up and you know, it becomes that type of an issue," Lunetta said.