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Buffalo Public Schools releases guidelines for proposed Parent Transportation Reimbursement Pilot Program

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BUFFALO, N.Y. (WKBW) — The Buffalo Public School District has released guidelines for its proposed Parent Transportation Reimbursement Pilot Program.

The proposed program is in response to the First Student bus driver shortage and would provide bi-weekly monetary reimbursement payments to parents who voluntarily choose to opt-out their child(ren) who are eligible to receive BPS-provided bus transportation.

Parents who participate in the program will be responsible for transporting their child(ren) to and/or from school for the duration of the 2022-2023 school year and will receive 62.5 cents/mile.

You can find the full guidelines here. The district will also host three informational meetings on the program, you can find that information here.

On Wednesday 7 News spoke to a parent who has three children in the district and school board members about the program. You can find that story here.