BUFFALO, N.Y. (WKBW) — The Buffalo Police Department awarded its highest award, the Medal of Honor, to the four officers who confronted the Tops mass shooting suspect, on May 14, Monday night.
The ceremony was part of the department's annual awards ceremony, which took place at East Community High School, Northampton Street.

The four officers, Officer Anthony D'Agostino, Christina Ihle, Lieutenant Patrick McDonald and Officer Ann Devaney received the award.
Fifty-five-year-old retired Buffalo Police Officer Salter killed in the Tops shooting, was also honored with a Medal of Honor, posthumously, on May 25. He was also promoted to Lieutenant.
When they were called to 1275 Jefferson about an active shooter, they assessed the situation by engaging with the gunman, according to BPD.
The emcee of the ceremony, BPD's deputy police commissioner, Alphonso Wright, announced this along with other awards, Monday night.

"Lieutenant Patrick McDonald arrived on scene to assist and within two minutes from the time that the 9-1-1 call came in, the gunman was taken into custody," Wright explained.
The Medal of Honor is only given to those who have performed an extraordinary act of bravery, while continuously disregarding serious and imminent life danger.
"These officers' rapid response stopped the gunman from continuing on with his murderous rampage," Wright said.
The last time 7 News saw the four officers formally honored together was when the City of Buffalo held a remembrance ceremony to mark one month since the mass shooting, on June 14.

As for the case against the gunman, Peyton Gendron, a Protective Order of Discovery was ordered on September 16.
This protects the parties and third parties against improper use and disclosure of confidential information. These are sensitive materials like social security numbers to things like video recordings and photos of the crime scene.
Gendron was said to be in court this Thursday, October 6. The pre-trial conference has been adjourned to Thursday, January 12, 2023, at the request of defense counsel to review discovery material.
In the meantime, 7 News is still waiting on the body cam video, requested by the I-Team, which shows the arrest from Officer Ihle who is listed as the arresting officer.