BUFFALO, N.Y. (WKBW) — Last weekend, Earl McColgin was crossing a street on Buffalo's West Side.
“I was hit in the front and thrown to the intersection,” said McColgin, who is legally blind. His service dog was killed. McCoglin is set to get the staples out of his head on Saturday.
His friends and neighbors organized a meeting demanding something be done about drivers speeding and running stop signs on the West Side and the Elmwood Village.
“I hope they take us seriously,” said Audrey Manning, of friend of Earl. “I don't know if it's speed bumps. I don't if that is the answer, but I want them to take it seriously.”
Officials from the City of Buffalo and Buffalo Police Department explained that speed humps are options on residential roads.Neighbors can apply for speed humps on their streets.They also asked for residents to report any driving infractions to 311, to get a better idea of where traffic trouble spots are.