

Lehner made plans to remember fallen brother the same day he was found

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The search is over for Officer Craig Lehner. The Buffalo Police diver that had been missing since Friday was found on Tuesday. 

Some of Officer Craig Lehner's friends from the Army had a feeling Tuesday would be the day.

“I believe that someone guided him and guided the Buffalo Police and showed him the way,” said Jeanna Belmonte.  She and Craig Lehner had plans for Tuesday night. They had plans with everyone they could get a hold of from the 105th Military Police Company. 

“Every year we get together and we remember how he affected our lives and how he was an influence on us,” Belmonte isn’t talking about Lehner, but rather, Michael Williams. He was killed in Iraq, exactly 14 years ago on October 17th, 2003.

“Mikey was Craig's Superman and to all these young soldiers that Craig served with, Craig was their Superman,” added Belmonte.

Now, instead of going out to celebrate just one of their friends every year, Belmonte and the 105th will remember two.