Old Lake Shore Road in Hamburg may truly be an old lake shore road one day. That is if the cliff it sits next to keeps eroding.
“We don't have another decade,” said Erie County Legislator Lynne Dixon. “The road is in rough condition and it's hard to get it to where it really needs to be unless we're doing everything.”
That everything is creating erosion protection near the base of the cliff. County Legislator Dixon wants to see something similar to what's planned on Route 5 near Hoak's Restaurant in Hambrug. Plans are in place to build a sea wall to protect from flooding an erosion.
“Broaden the scope of that project. Make it to include Old Lake Shore Road and shoring up the shoreline along here,” said Dixon.
Dixon is calling on Senator Chuck Schumer to find additional federal money to help fix the problem.
A spokesperson from the Senator's office says the politician would be happy to meet with local officials on the matter.
Previous studies completed by the state suggest if erosion protection isn't implemented, Old Lake Shore Road could become a one-way street, be moved or even abandoned.
That's an outcome one lawmaker doesn't want to see.
“Let's extend it. Let's increase the funding for the project and let's just get it done now,” added Dixon.