
Ithaca College lets men, women to room together

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Ithaca College has announced a new open-housing policy. Students can now select their roommates regardless of their sex or gender.

The Office of Residential Life sent an email about the open-housing option to students on February 18th. School officials say that along with giving students an enhanced sense of respect and responsibility, the open-housing policy can promote a more inclusive living environment for transgender students.

Previously, if a student identified as transgender or gender nonconforming, they had the option to meet with the program director for the Center for Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender Education, Outreach and Services, to discuss a new living arrangement.

With the new policy, transgender students no longer need to go that route.

Campus Pride, an organization that promotes LGBT-friendly campuses, reports that over 200 colleges and universities have similar policies.

Open housing will begin in Fall 2016 for rising sophomores, juniors or seniors. It will not yet be available to freshmen unless they identify as transgender.