

IRS not the only organization dealing with scams


It's tax season, and con artists are attempting to grab every cent out of your pocket!

People across the country are receiving emails and phone calls from what appears to be an agent from the IRS, saying they have your tax return information, or that you owe money. They then ask for personal information such as your social security number and credit and bank account numbers. Some scams offered to alleviate a persons debt by purchasing iTunes cards worth $500.

The IRS is not the only company dealing with charlatans.  Scammers are sending LinkedIn users checks in the mail for a substantial amount of money. The crooks then instruct the user to cash the check into a checking account, upload that money onto a pre-paid card and mail it over to a company that doesn't exist.

Con artists are phishing National Grid customers too. Scammers call customers saying that they owe money. The scammer demands that the consumer sends them money through a pre-paid card or else they will lose their electricity.

According to the National Grid Website, the company does not call customers demanding payment for past due balances over the phone.