

How you can track sex offenders

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First it was West Seneca, now it's the people of North Collins fighting to have sex offenders moved out of their community.

It's a battle they might never win, so what do you need to know if you have a sex offender living in your neighborhood?

One of the tools the Erie County Sheriff's Office uses is to track offenders is Offender Watch. The website is available to you, too. The national website database has details including addresses, personal information and even lists of tattoos and scars offenders have.

The Erie County Sheriff's Office has a sex offender registry unit that checks in with offenders who must annually provide information about their residence. Level three offenders must check in with law enforcement every 90 days.

Level one offenders are on the state registry for 20 years. Level two and three offenders have a higher risk of re-offending and are on the registry for life.

You can search New York State's sexual offender registry here