

Help for first time homebuyers in Western New York


Around the country, home prices have been rising, inventory is limited, and banks have tightened lending standards. According to bankrate.com, New York is one of the top five states worst states to buy your first home.

Experts say low credit scores, unemployment, and a lack of affordable homes are some of the key reasons.
Buffalo Urban League is trying to change it by sponsoring first time homebuyers workshops, throughout the month of March.

The first training was Saturday morning at Bennett High School. The goal is to prepare and help Western New Yorkers get on the right track to buying that first home.

"This is a great time to buy a house. Right now with the renaissance that's going on here in the City of Buffalo, opportunities for homes are just phenomenal. There are different programs to help buy you a house. You don't have to come up with the down payment all the time," Beverly Robinson-Smith with Buffalo Urban League Housing said.

Experts say working on increasing your credit score and saving are the first steps to homeownership. Also you must have patience, because this process sometimes can be long and stressful.

Buffalo Urban League's next Homebuyers workshop will be held in room 155 at Bennett High School on March 13th from 5:30 p.m. to 7:30 p.m., and March 24th from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m., the workshops are free.