

Flu patients "unusually early" for pharmacies


Anthony Alteri, who's been a pharmacist at Black Rock Pharmacy for ten years has seen his fair share of brutal flu seasons, but none like this one. 

He believes the cold weather is a factor in the flu becoming so widespread and families staying inside more often are more likely to share the virus.

Alteri says it's easily transferred from one person to the next, so the more time you spend with others, the more chances there are of you getting the flu. 

While flu vaccine effectiveness is around 30% this year, Alteri thinks it would still be a good idea to get vaccinated.  

“I have seen an influx of requests for the vaccine, but unfortunately if you've been exposed to it, you still have a chance of contracting it. So my recommendation, even now, is to plan on getting your flu shot as early as possible in the season, so you get the coverage through the peak,” according to Alteri.

Flu season can last well into the spring, but Alteri believes there's no telling at this point how long the bug could stick around.