

Firefighters rescue dog from icy water

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Carrie Sonnen of North Tonawanda is holding her dog Lucy a little tighter after a scary ordeal at a local dog park.

While walking her two dogs at the Ellicott Island Bark Park, her 17 pound dog Lucy wandered off, then fell through thin ice on the nearby creek.

Sonnen did everything she could to help. “I crawled down the embankment into the mud and first thing that happened was I lost my shoes I mean they sucked right out in the mud,” she told 7 Eyewitness News.

It didn’t take long for others, many complete strangers at the park to offer to help. Soon a full fledged rescue mission including Amherst Police, Erie County Animal Control and Ellicott Creek Volunteer Fire Company was underway.

A volunteer firefighter in dive gear saved Lucy from the icy waters. North Bailey firefighter Brian Conover captured photos of the dramatic rescue.

“I cannot tell you how grateful I am for everybody helping,” Sonnen said.

She says Lucy isn’t just a dog, she’s truly part of the family.

She says the pooch was by her mother’s side until the day she passed away, and has made several moves with her and her military family both in the U.S. and abroad.

 Now, being here in Western New York she knows firsthand the generosity of strangers.




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