

Female veterans face high rate of suicide


In a study done by the LA Times, they determined that female veterans commit suicide at a rate 6 times more than females who have never served. 

Desiray Morgan, a U.S. Air Force veteran who served for 11 years, believes that is in part due to the social stigma surrounding women who serve. 

"People don't understand they don't understand because as a woman you're supposed to have it all together, especially as a mother."

Morgan has dealt with PTSD following her retirement from the Air Force in 2011. She eventually began to seek help through the VA and now says she works at it everyday. She encourages others to seek that help not just for themselves, but the ones who matter in their lives. 

"You owe it to your family and yourself to seek the help."

If you or a loved one has PTSD or is considering suicide, the VA always has someone to talk to at 1-800-273-8255.