

Erie County offers Hepatitis A vaccine after scare


The Erie County Health Department is offering a free immunization clinic Wednesday, February 7th from 3 p.m. to 8 p.m. at the Bowmansville Fire Station #1, 36 Main Street, in Bowmnasville to prevent infection to those who may have been exposed to the Hepatitis A virus. 

This comes after Tuesday's announcement by the Erie County Health Department of a food service worker infected with Hepatitis A who worked at Al-e-oops Restaurant in Lancaster and Brookdale Senior Living Community in Williamsville.

In order to be eligible for the vaccine: 

He or she must have: 

-  Ate food or beverage from Al-e-oops Restaurant in Lancaster, NY 14086 between the dates of January 27, 2018 through January 30, 2018. 

For anyone exposed January 20th through the 23rd, the vaccine will not be effective. Health officials advise those individuals to pay close attention to their health the next 50 days.

-  Ate food or beverage from Brookdale Senior Living Community in Williamsville between the dates of January 23, 2018 through January 31, 2018.  

Health officials are asking Brookdale Senior Living Community residents and staff to speak with the facility about vaccines.

For more information, click here.