

Erie County looks ahead to presidential debate

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"This is going to be probably the most contentious presidential debate that we've ever seen."

Those are the words of Erie County Republican Chairman Nick Langworthy.  He's travelling to Hoftstra University to watch Monday's presidential debate.

"I think this is [Trump's] great opportunity to lay out the case as to why he would be a better leader for this country to go back to the greatness that this country once enjoyed," he said.

Erie County Democratic Chairman Jeremy Zellner was also invited, but said he won't be able to attend.  He thinks the debate will help Secretary Clinton take control in the race.

"I think right now is the time Secretary Clinton is going to shine," he said.  "You're going to see that tomorrow night.  She's going to win this debate and show the country why she's the only Commander-in-Chief in this race."

Zellner provided strong words in a very tight race.  The latest ABC News/Washington Post poll released Sunday morning has Clinton up by 2 points, within the poll's margin of error.

Dan Coad from the City of Tonawanda is a Donald Trump supporter who will be watching the first debate closely.

"Don't worry about going after Hillary closely," he said.  "I just want to get on the issues so everybody can see that he has the issues in hand."

The debate will air Monday, September 26 at 9:00 p.m. on ABC7.