
Eighth annual "Run the 'Burg for Autism" strolls through Hamburg

Eighth annual "Run the 'Burg for Autism" strolls through Hamburg
and last updated

The eighth annual "Run the 'Burg for Autism" 5K run/walk made its way through the Village of Hamburg Saturday.

The event is organized by J.P.'s Foundation Inc. along with the Parents’ Guild of SS Peter & Paul School and Autism Services, Inc.

Organizers combine the proceeds from the run and a second event, J.P.’s Green Jacket Open/Golf for Autism, which will be held June 11, and donate them to Autism Services Inc. 

Autism Services Inc. puts the funds towards individuals in the community that face the daily challenges of autism.

The run was followed by a post-race celebration at J.P. Fitzgerald's which included a live music, family-friendly activities, basket raffles, and an awards ceremony.

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