

DEC: no contamination in soil next to Wheatfield dump

Neighbors still want homes tested

It's been a long couple of years for Cory D'Agostino and Todd Carson. They live next to the old Wheatfield Landfill on Nash Road.

For years Love Canal waste was stored there. The toxic waste was eventually moved and incinerated. Now, neighbors say they're getting sick from the chemicals that seeped into their homes.

In March, Governor Andrew Cuomo insisted surface soil be tested on properties near the dump.

Tuesday, the DEC said, "no contamination from the landfill is impacting surface soils on nearby properties."

The DEC commissioner, Basil Seggos said:

"The results are good news for the residents of the Wheatfield community."

The lawyers who are currently suing the Town of Wheatfield and the companies that dumped their materials there, aren’t satisfied with the DEC’s report. They say they weren't expecting the agency to find anything in the yards.

“This one yard we tested and there was really not much in the yard at all, but when we got in the house, we found PCBs that if it was in the yard, it was 30 times the cleanup level for the yard,” said Mike Stag, one of the attorney’s representing the neighbors.

They claim they've found other cancer causing compounds, including dioxin, inside homes. And that's where most people on Forbes Street want to see the DEC do their testing.

“If they do the types of tests we need think they need to do, I think they'll find the same results as we did. If they look inside the homes, if they look in the ground water, they will find the same things we found,” said Stag.

“Unhappy. I want the inside of my home tested. I would love to have Governor Cuomo to order the DEC to test the inside of my home because my family is sick and there is a reason why my family is sick,” said D’Agostino.

The DEC will test the ground water around the old landfill later this summer. Right now, there are no plans for the DEC to test the inside any homes.