BUFFALO, N.Y. (WKBW) — As businesses prepare to reopen, the big questions is how will they ensure customers and employee safety. Well, here’s one way: thermal fever detection cameras. They are security cameras designed to automatically check the temperatures of anyone who walks through the door.
“It’s a non invasive temperature skin temperature. There’s no stopping. You just need to flow into the work place or wherever the venue is going to be," James Papafagos said.
James Papafagos is the owner of LINKLOGIX.IO, a security vendor that is selling these cameras.
“This is all we’ve been doing. Some other projects actually took a back seat to this,” he said.
Papafagos says he is already working with 30 clients to get these thermal detection cameras out.
“And that just keeps on multiplying as the days goes on.”
Thermal cameras are not new, but with health departments making businesses report their safety plans before reopening, they have become increasingly popular.
“It’s been hard to keep up,” Papafagos said.
Papafagos says what customers like most about these cameras is how non invasive they are.
“It’s just a comfort level knowing really that you’re going to an area where people were fever scanned and it makes me feel as though that extra layer has been taken,” he said.
The thermal cameras are designed to notify employers if a person with a 100 degree plus temperature walks in. If a person does have a 100 degree or higher temperature, an employee will pull them aside and use a FDA approved thermometer to check their temperature again.
“And if you check out okay you can go ahead and continue," Papafagos said, "If not the appropriate measures will be taken.”