

Cheektowaga seeks parents to join Citizens Youth & Recreation Advisory Council

Cheektowaga creates youth recreation council

It's a new plan to bring more activities and programs to kids in Cheektowaga. 

And the town's supervisor now wants parents to be directly involved.

It's called the Citizens Youth & Recreation Advisory Council, and its meant to provide parents the opportunity to help decide which sports and other recreational activities the town should offer.

“We need to listen to what our residents have to say. The Citizens Youth & Recreation Advisory Council is another step in this direction," says town supervisor Diane Benczkowski.

She aims to bring neighbors from all different backgrounds together to help paint a better picture of what people in Cheektowaga want from their recreational programs.

"Maybe they have some idea of a program that we're not offering that they'd like to see," Benczkowski says.

The council now has 15 members and is searching for more parents to join.

If you're interested in becoming a member of the Citizens Youth & Recreation Advisory Council, all you have to do is mail a letter of interest to the attention of the Supervisor to Town Hall, 3301 Broadway, Cheektowaga, NY 14227.

You can also email your letter of interest to the Supervisor's Office

Meeting dates and times will be determined once the council has enough members.