The wildest place in Western New York is welcoming two Canada lynx just in time for winter break.
The sisters, named Rosie and Hazel, come to the Buffalo Zoo from the Beardsley Zoo in Bridgeport, Connecticut.
The lynx were born April 26, 2017. The two 10-month-olds arrived to the zoo in November and after completing a health quarantine, they are now ready to explore their new habitat.
The Canada lynx is native to Canada and the Northern United States. They have long ear tufts and large paws that function like snowshoes in very deep snow.
Canada Lynx have extremely thick, light brown of gray ur with light black spots and live in dense forests where their main prey, the snowshoe hare, is found.
“We are very excited to welcome these two to Buffalo,” said Tiffany Vanderwerf, Chief
Conservation Officer. Vanderwerf adds that “this species of lynx is a great
representation of arctic animals found in North America. Although wild populations are
doing well throughout most of Canada, their numbers are threatened in the United
States and critically imperiled in Nova Scotia and New Brunswick. Our aim at the Zoo is
to help our guests explore local and global wildlife and encourage them to take action to
save them.”
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