

Buffalo Museum of Science kicks off Discovery Camps for youth

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If your kids have an interest in science, they may have an interest in checking out Discovery Camps at the Buffalo Museum of Science. These week-long camps offer kids of all ages hands-on educational exposure to the museum's exclusive collections, while cultivating their curiosity. 

From dinosaurs to physics to robotics, Discovery Camps focus on getting kids excited about the world of science - in as many ways as possible, all summer long. 

Day camps range in age groups, from 4-5 year olds all the way to high schoolers. 

Sarajane Gomlak-Green, School Programs Manager and Science Communicator at the museum, says "kids are naturally curious, which is a good thing. These camps are a great opportunity to nurture those natural curiosities."

Camps typically start at 8:30 a.m. and run until about 4:30p.m., early drop-off and late pick-up are also offered. 

For more information on camps being offered, visit the Museum of Science website