A Buffalo day care center has closed after police say a worker used corporal punishment on a 2-year-old.
Young's TLC Daycare 2, on 1439 Broadway, surrendered its state license and closed its doors on Monday.
According to police, the mother of the 2-year-old child reported to police that a daycare provider held the child down and poured water on their face July 20th and 24th.
The day care went through a state inspection on July 24th, when police found two violations, one of which was the corporal punishment. The other had to do with too many children at the facility for the amount of staff that was working.
The Office of Child and Family Services issued a statement to 7 Eyewitness News, early Thursday:
These shocking and appalling allegations resulted in an immediate investigation and enforcement action by OCFS. The provider has since been compelled to surrender the program’s license.
For a searchable database of child care providers in New York State and to see recent OCFS inspection results, you can click here.
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