For most Western new Yorkers, nothing is more important than their faith and their family, but for many of those same people, the Buffalo Bills are right behind them.
Those fans are understandably excited about the Bills first playoff appearance in 17 seasons, but when some fans looked at the playoff schedule, they saw a big conflict.
Just over 70 teenagers from Nativity of Our Lord Parish in Orchard Park were scheduled to be confirmed Sunday at 1:15 in the afternoon, just ten minutes after the scheduled kickoff in Jacksonville, but where some fans saw a problem, Bishop Malone saw a way to help.
"The bishop makes it clear that confirmation is much more important than sports." Says George Richert, director of Communications for the Buffalo diocese. "But confirmation should also be a happy day and a memorable day in the life of any Catholic, and we wouldn't want that distraction."
Seeing an opening in his schedule, the Bishop agreed to celebrate two confirmations this Sunday. The originally scheduled 1:15 mass, as well as a mass at 10:30 AM, which is scheduled to wrap up before kickoff.
By giving families a choice the Bishop hopes everyone will be focused on celebrating their loved ones confirmation, and despite hosting two ceremonies, everyone at Nativity of our lord parish is still pulling for the Bills this Sunday.
"Of course we believe that sacrament of confirmation is more important than a Bills game." Says parish life coordinator Melissa Potzler. "But we realize how important the Bills are. We're happy they're in the playoffs and we'll be praying for them.