

Bill would loosen open container laws in new "recreation districts"


State lawmakers are weighing the idea of loosening open container laws.

Proposed legislation in the New York State Senate would allow cities or towns to create designated leisure or recreation districts where patrons could leave a bar with an open container of alcohol.

Currently the bill is in committee.

While celebrating Mardis Gras, people walking in Allentown gave their two cents.

“Let's just give faith in our people. We've always been fun and we've always been responsible,” said Evette Mcelrath.

“I think you would have to put a time limit on it. Maybe cut that off at midnight. I think that would work, well,” said Lenny Vitale.

“If it was in a designated area, a restricted area like something like Allen or Elmwood, I like that idea,” said Dave DiCioccio.

Not everyone we spoke to likes the idea.

“It should be contained in a bar area, you shouldn't be able to take your drinks out,” said Lisa DiCioccio.

“Buffalo is a little bit of a wild city and it's kind of hard to trust the people, a little bit. I mean we're good neighbors but in the same sense, we get a little wild sometimes,” added Marcus Hollinsworth.

The Buffalo City Council Member who represents the Allentown area is against the idea.

“It's not a good idea. It's a stupid idea,” said Councilmember David Franczyk.