The legal troubles continue for Beth Hoskins, who must sell dozens of her horses, following her animal cruelty conviction.
Less than one year ago, Hoskins made a music video, covering Tom Petty's "Won't Back Down" and served more than one month in jail for not selling dozens of horses.
Hoskins was previously convicted of 52 animal cruelty charges, and ordered to sell 29 of her approximately 65 horses.
Justice Glownia has given Hoskins until Christmas Even to hand over the 29 horses to a new owner.
"I see a light at the end of the tunnel," Hoskins said. "It's been nearly six years," referring to the raid on her East Aurora farm by the SPCA Serving Erie County.
Hoskins said after court that she had a buyer for the horses. However, both Hoskins and her attorney accuse the SPCA of calling the Monroe County Humane Society, where the buy is located, and "interfering" with the sale.
"What concerns me is the abuse of power that the SPCA continually uses throughout the entire process, and not just here, but it's everywhere," Hoskins said. "It's wrong, and this is America. This type of abuse of power will not be tolerated."
However, both the SPCA and the Monroe County Humane Society, known as Lollypop Farm, deny stalling the sale.
Hoskins claims that the SPCA Serving Erie County called Lollypop Farm on the eve of the sale to disrupt it. She claims that the trailers were ready to begin moving horses to Skyloft Farm.
A representative with Lollypop Farm tells 7 Eyewitness News that although they were notified, the organization had a previous investigation into a report that horses at Skyloft Farm were too thin. The representative said some horses were found to be leaner, but others weights were fine. A follow-up had been scheduled, the horses showed weight gain, and no evidence of animal cruelty was found.
The representative adds that the company found that the horses were found to be gaining weight, but another follow-up has been scheduled for January. Skyloft's owner also denied plans to buy nearly three dozen horses from Hoskins, according to the representative.
The Executive Director of the SPCA Serving Erie County still expressed concerns about the horses new home.
"There are about 30 horses there already, she's accepting 29, and there are eight stalls," said Barbara Carr.
Carr added this is especially worrisome due to the winter months ahead.
Carr also stated that Hoskins previously lead the court and the SPCA to believe that the horses were already in custody of the new owner. Instead, Carr said they have been at a Lockport farm for month, with a landowner who was unaware she would have the animals for months and has gone into debt caring for them.
The SPCA is now criticizing Justice Glownia, stating that he has given Hoskins too many chances and that the animals have paid for it.
Carr calls the multiple chances she says Hoskins has received recently "court-sanctioned cruelty."
"There has been one court order after another that has not been executed," said Danielle Jacobs, a board member with the SPCA. "The judge has failed to execute his orders, including this one."
Hoskins said the deal with the new owner has been completed, and that the horses will be in the Rochester area this week.
The SPCA says they will believe it when they see it.
Hoskins still has 35 of the approximately 65 horses originally seized. According to the SPCA Serving Erie County, while the horses live on her farm, she technically does not own them as of now. A court ordered her to turn over ownership of the horses to a trust.
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