

Applications available for custom craft beverage production centers

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Applications are now available for recreational production of craft beverages in New York State.

Governor Andrew Cuomo announced application are being accepted for the operation of custom craft beverage production centers for those looking for space and equipment to make beer, wine or cider for home consumption.

The State Liquor Authority is overseeing the application process and will give out new licenses to make homemade beer, wine and cider. Licenses are available for those who already manufacture craft beverages, but are looking to establish a secondary business at their current location. They are also available for businesses looking to open a standalone custom homemade craft beverage production center.

"This new license provides greater opportunity for New Yorkers to make their own beer, wine or cider, while helping to strengthen an already booming craft beverage industry," Governor Cuomo said. "This win-win-win makes it easier for hobby brewers, vintners and cider makers to hone their craft, while offering beverage manufacturers a new source of revenue in turn helps New York farms succeed and thrive."

The governor signed legislation in November to authorize the creation of custom craft production centers for personal consumption.

New York's craft beverage industry is one of the fastest growing in the nation, according to the governor's office, but residents in urban and suburban areas cannot afford or do not have appropriate access to space or equipment needed for production.

The governor's office also says that by providing space and lowering overhead costs through this application, the demand for locally grown ingredients will increase, bring in revenue for New York's small craft manufacturers, and give expert hands-on training for hobbyists and anyone looking to be a craft producer across the state.

Current craft manufacturers can apply here to add a custom manufacturing facility.

Those without a current manufacturing license can apply here.