It's not always easy to make new friends, especially if you're living with a disability.
Now there's a new app that can make a difference in someone's life. It's called the Friendi app, and it connects parents of people who have special needs, so they can connect their sons and daughters with friends. The app was created by Ben Raskin. His friend Jared has Autism, and Ben wanted to help him meet other people.
"I care about Jared so I wanted to keep company and be a friend to him," explained the creator. "The core function, friend finding, is based on distance from each other, matching interests and age."
Parents can log into the app and find people with similar interests who their sons and daughters might want to meet. Raskin calls it an "icebreaker with the parents in control" and says his goal is for everyone to have a friend.
The Frendi app is being beta tested right now.