It can be as simple as a point and click. Before you know it, you're renting someone's room, apartment, or house. It's Airbnb. Right now, there are over 200 listings on the site in Erie County.
Recently, there have been complaints, nationally, that some Airbnb hosts have discriminated by race who they let into their properties.
In reaction to these complaints Airbnb sent an email to all their hosts saying they will take steps to prevent anything like that happening in the future.
Starting in October, any Airbnb guest around the world that feels they were discriminated against will be put into a different accommodation that night.
In November, everyone who uses Airbnb will be forced to agree to a stricter nondiscrimination policy.
Wednesday night, Buffalo Airbnb hosts met on the Westside. They all saw the recent email, including Joe Galvin.
“I have two Airbnbs,” said Galvin.
They're both in a home on 19th street. He says he understands why the email was sent.
“Everybody doesn't have the mindset I have. I don't have the mindset that other people have. So, I can understand why they would send it out. It's unfortunate that would be happening at this time,” added Galvin.
Galvin says he keeps his eyes open for scams, but that all are welcome at his Airbnb.
“If you're vetted properly and your money is green. You're good with me,” added Galvin.
Airbnb would not comment if any of those discriminatory complaints were in western New York.
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