Is there a deer in your headlights? Well, November is the height of deer mating season. As days get shorter, drivers are more likely to be on the road at dawn and dusk -- peak hours for animal activity.
The Western & Central New York AAA reports that many animals are struck by cars each year, and though not always fatal, they can put a serious dent in your car.
These are things you may do already, but a friendly reminder doesn't hurt:
- Keep your eyes moving back and forth
- Be especially attentive in the early morning and evening
- At night, use high beams when there's no oncoming traffic
- Slow down and watch for other deer to appear
- Honk your horn with one long blast
- Use brakes if impact is imminent
- Always wear a seatbelt
- Don't go near a wounded animal
While any animal on the road is dangerous, deer cause the most collisions.