

Super Southwest flight deals as low as $39

and last updated

All deals and coupons were valid at the time this story was published. If you’re reading this after they’ve expired, check our Facebook page or the deals section of our website  for more ways to save! Southwestis one of the most popular airlines in the United States—and for good reason. Known for their friendly demeanor, fee-free baggage transport (of up to two bags) and affordable prices, it's no surprise that Southwest is one of the top ten most admired companiesin the world. And there's even more to love this week, with a flight sale featuring prices as low as $39 one way. Flights in this sale include select destinations in Mexico and the Caribbean, so it's the perfect opportunity to book a tropical getaway. southwest airline photo The sale, which runs now through August 31, features these flights:

  • Las Vegas to Long Beach starting at $39
  • Atlanta to Austin, starting at $94
  • Baltimore to Nassau, Bahamas, starting at $99
  • Chicago to Washington, DC starting at $79
  • Atlanta to Boston, starting at $58
  • Dallas to Los Angeles, starting at $94

Many others are included on the list, including flights to and from cities as diverse as Cancun, Cincinnati and Columbus. There are truly tons of options for flights, whether you're looking for a quick trip for fun or want to plan a weekend to visit family in another city. Flights included in this massive sale are domestic, international, and to Puerto Rico. Dates include continental US travel from September 19th to February 14th, international travel from September 19th to February 13th and from January 9th, 2018 to March 1, 2018.  Travel to and from San Juan, Puerto Rico is valid from September 19th to December 7th, and from January 16th, 2018 to March 1, 2018. Flights purchased during this deal are non-refundable and must be purchased at least 21 days in advance. You can use Southwest airline points to book them, but the points don't cover the government fees associated with flying. Remember that flights on Southwest can only be purchased on the airline's website, not on other sites like Priceline, Expedia, or Travelocity. You can, however, search for Southwest flights using Kayak or Google Flights. So what are you waiting for? Get yourself over to Southwest.com and book some fall and winter travel! You have until August 31st.

This story originally appeared on Don't Waste Your Money. Checkout Don't Waste Your Money for other great tips and ideas to make the most out of life.