BUFFALO, N.Y. (WKBW) — Freezing winters and hot, muggy summers in Buffalo can be detrimental to humans... let alone your four legged companions.
“There have been many incidents where you have dogs dying because their owners are leaving them on a leash for long periods of time for extreme weather," Buffalo Common Council Member, Joel Feroleto says.
The SPCA of Erie County approached him with a proposal to fine dog owners who leave their pups outside in temperatures above 90 degrees and below 32 degrees. There will be a hearing at the Buffalo City Hall Tuesday, where the ASPCA and other community members will advocate to pass the bill into law.
“I just feel like if you’re not prepared for those extreme temperatures in a place like Buffalo, where we do really have extreme winters then maybe dog ownership isn’t right for you," Dog owner, Caty Brown, says. “It’s your job as the owner to look after your pet; they’re a part of your family, so if you wouldn’t want your kid outside then maybe you shouldn’t have your dog outside too.”
Violators could face a fine of $250 if they leave their dogs outside in extreme weather conditions longer than an hour.