
Why Go Solar?


While traditional electricity costs continue to rise, the price of solar has fallen 67 percent over the last five years – resulting in more solar power systems coming online.

In fact, a new solar project was installed every 84 seconds in 2016. There certainly is an appetite for solar nationwide: According to Pew Research Center, two-thirds of Americans support alternative energy development over fossil fuels – up 5 percent from December 2014.

Yet just between 1 to 2 percent of the electricity generated in the U.S. today comes from the sun.

While solar has experienced great growth over the years – increasing by an average of 68 percent annually for the last decade – the concept is still new to many homeowners. On Thursday, June 15, SunPower’s solar energy expert, Whitney Torres, will discuss some of the advantages of home solar power systems, while covering commonly researched topics like technology reliability, likelihood of long-term savings, and finding a reputable solar advisor.

Whitney will help viewers:
•         Discover if solar makes sense for them, by asking the right questions
•         Debunk common myths about solar energy
•         Easily understand the costs and benefits associated with a solar investment
•         Know what to expect during the installation process
•         Start their search for a trusted solar company