AM Buffalo


Simple and effective ways to fuel your fighting spirit

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Lifestyle expert Jamie Hess says new year’s resolutions usually don’t stick, at least statistics prove that, but that is often is because maybe they are unreachable or they are often about something negative like I can’t eat this any longer or no more chocolate and that may not be manageable in your life. Jamie says she is all about setting realistic goals and adding some small things in on a daily basis that just helps you live your best life.

Jamie says making better for you choices never goes out of style and as a Del Monte ambassador, I am really excited about a program they are doing that really helps with those better for you choices available to everyone and it makes you feel good about doing it. She says they have a program now through the end of February called Choose Good, do good. All you do is purchase $15 worth of participating Del Monte products in one purchase. Then you go over to their website at DelMonteChooseGood.comand you can redeem $5 for yourself or you can donate back to Growing Great. Jamie says Growing Great is a non-profit they have supported since 2019. They make healthy food options accessible to inner city children.

Gut health is another term you may have heard that is trending and you may have been wondering what does that really mean? Jamie says it really is important, so including a daily supplement with a probiotic into your daily repertoire, is a great place to start. She says Jarrow Formulas is the number one customer satisfaction rated brand of probiotics on the market. They have a new line called Probiotic + Gummies. Jamie says they have two strains of probiotics which are scientifically substantiated to improve your digestion, immunity and gut health.

Jamie says we saw a lot of people during the pandemic time picking up a hobby or maybe learning to play an instrument and there is actually scientific data that proves learning an instrument can help improve your mood, your self-esteem, lower anxiety and boost your memory. Jamie says Guitar Center is a great place to go to learn an instrument and take those lessons; they have great teachers who are positive about music. They do a custom curriculum for each student regardless of age.

You can follow Jamie Hess on Instagram @NYCFITFAM