
S.C. Parker and Company

The Volatile Market
and last updated

The investment world is often quite complex.

It is also a world that constantly changes.  That change creates opportunity and risk at the same time. 

Helping you to make sense of it all and understanding your investments is a large part of the job.  Our emphasis is on the diversification of assets, a balanced approach to investing and managing risk to achieve sustainable returns over time. 

The research is an everyday activity.  It goes hand in hand with tracking one’s progress and making the needed changes and adjustments over time.

There is never a fee to consult with one of our advisors. 

If you would be interested, please call at (716) 632 – 6800


Sponsored by S.C. Parker & Co., Inc. Securities offered through Cadaret, Grant & Co. Inc., Member FINRA, SIPC, S.C. Parker and Cadaret, Grant & Co. Inc. are separate entities.