

Ronald McDonald House

5K Run/Walk on July 27

As a “Home away from home” for families with children in medical crisis, our focus is on families and in support of that message our 15th Annual 5K Run has Three Unique elements– focused on “Family Fun” and keeping families close

1.Fisher Price Play Space –Fisher Price take over Tripi Field right next door to the RMH and convert it to a play space for children age 8 and under, with interactive games, Power Wheel  course, Toddle play areas , ball throws, all sorts of fun games!

2. Post Run picnic is for the whole family and includes live entertainment by Scott Celiani Band.  Family event which includes both the runners, but also their non-runner family members – again it’s about keeping families close and doing things together

3. “This year we are particularly excited to have Evan Kentile, Buffalo’s first pediatric heart transplant recipient, kick off the run as the official starter”, says Sally Vincent, Executive Director of Ronald McDonald House Charities of Western New York.