AM Buffalo


Recipes for life – Mixed fruit shortcake sandwiches and Summer shrimp delight in a pineapple


Today Mercedes Wilson is joined by her friend Laura Croak. Laura is making mixed fruit shortcake sandwiches. She says it is super simple. You just need cool whip, whipped cream, strawberries, any kind of fruit you like to put on. She makes a strawberry sauce from the fresh strawberries.

Mercedes makes a summer shrimp delight in a pineapple.

Mercedes asked Laura how motherhood changed her. Laura says it definitely given me more patience and made me kind of slow down and see the big perspective of life. Mercedes says she has a deeper appreciation; you really learn loyalty, because you learn your kids, I learned a lot about the world through my kids.

Mercedes says there are a lot of women in our lives who help shape us, so Mother’s Day is not only about your biological mother, it takes a community to raise a child and so I want to say Happy Mother’s Day and then also to honor those who may have lost their mother because that can be rough for a lot people, Mother’s Day can be rough for a lot of people.

For today’s recipe visit