AM Buffalo


Real Talk About Race: Robin DiAngelo and Nanette D. Massey

Posted at 12:22 PM, Nov 04, 2022
and last updated 2022-11-04 12:22:36-04

Two powerhouse speakers who are joining forces this weekend to demonstrate how to move beyond false politeness to authentic conversations about race that can actually produce real change. Today on AM Buffalo we were joined by Buffalo resident and workshop facilitator Nanette Massey. The workshop will be co-led by Nanette D. Massey and author of “White Fragility: Why it's So Hard for White People to Talk About Raciism ” Robin DiAngelo. Nanette says “the premise of Robin’s book is that too much of the conversation around race centers on the comfort of white people, so we can only go so far as white people start to get uncomfortable and then we change topics and make things nice. And what we will be talking about Saturday is why it is important to live with a little bit of discomfort and how and why that gets in the way of deep conversations that we say we want to have.” Nanette says they will be coaching people on how to live with that comfort and get past it to conversations that make a difference for white and black people. Everyone is a part of the conversation.

For more information visit Nanette’s website,