AM Buffalo


Pet Talk Tuesday – Winter tips for keeping pets safe

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Dr. Reed Stevens has some winter tips for keeping your pet safe in winter. He says be prepared. Have at least 5 days-worth of food, water, and your pet’s medication at home at all times, in case you can’t get out.

If you go out for a walk with your dog make sure you are very visible; light up collars, leashes, and light up vests for yourself are all available at local pet shops.

Avoid ice at all times. He says they don’t want to hear another tragic story about at dog who has fallen through the ice so avoid all ice exposure.

Wipe your dog’s paws when they come home from a walk, checking for cracks and making sure you are getting the salt off their paws.

Check under the hood of your car before you start it up in the morning. We don’t want cat that may be looking for a warm place to stay who climbed up under the hood, to have a tragic end.

Stay on flea and tick prevention year-round. He says the last time it was so cold the entire month in Western New York that flea and tick medication was not necessary for your dog or cat was February of 2015. He says that means we are going on seven years of continuous year-round flea and tick risk in Western New York.

Finally, know your pet’s limits. Pay attention to your pet. If they are looking cold, they probably are, so bring them in.

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