AM Buffalo


Music Monday – Meet Driftwood

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Driftwood has a reputation of doing killer live shows. Mel talks with half of the band on Zoom. The two Joe’s, Joe Kollar, guitarist and songwriter and bassist Joey Arcuri. Mel asks them how it feels to be a band when they can’t be together. Joey Arcuri says they make sure to communicate every week as friends to keep in touch; they all miss each other.

Mel asks Joe Kollar what tips can he give, as a writer, for people who don’t pick up a pen and piece of paper and write their thoughts down. Joe says for him it’s the making friends with the fear of doing that. He says just pick up the pen and do it and see what happens and maybe use a timer and just start and stop it and it can have a profound affect on every area of your life; it’s amazing. Joey Arcuri adds, setting the time aside and making it a routine and having the tools out whether it may be an instrument and having it out of the case, or a journal and having it out on your desk with the pen ready; make it accessible to you.

Mel wants to know their tips for chair dancing as we are getting back to live music and we have to dance in our seats. They say a lot of arm movements, maybe a swivel in your chair or as long as they can see you moving or toe tapping then it is all good.

The band consists of guitarist/songwriter Joe Kollar, bassist Joey Arcuri, guitarist/songwriter Dan Forsyth and violinist/songwriter Claire Byrne. Driftwood’s album Tree of Shade is on sale now and Joe Kollar’s solo album comes out in September.

For more information on the band click here.

For more information on Joe's solo album click here.