
Menopause & Heart Health

Catholic Health

Meet the Experts – Catholic Health Physicians Discuss Menopause & Heart Health at a Free Dinner Event.

The risk of heart disease increases with age, but did you know symptoms could also become more apparent for women during menopause?  While declining estrogen levels can cause changes in blood vessel walls, shifts in both good and bad cholesterol levels, and a potential increase of blood clots, there are things women can do to reduce their risk of heart disease as they age. 

Catholic Health is sponsoring a FREE community dinner program entitled, “Menopause & Heart Health: What’s the Connection?” on February 9, 2017 from 5:30 – 7:30 p.m. at Grapevine Banquets, 333 Dick Road, Depew. Join women’s health expert, Diane Sanfilippo, MD, and cardiology expert, Rajarshi Parai, MD, for an informative look at menopause and heart disease. In addition to answering all your questions on this important topic, they’ll explain what symptoms to look for, and what you can do to lessen your risk and take charge of your heart health. 

“Menopause & Heart Health: What’s the Connection?” is free and open to the public. A complimentary dinner will be served.

Reservations are required by calling Catholic Health’s HealthConnection at
716-447-6205, or by registering online at