AM Buffalo


Local author Jonathon Worden has a new children’s book out

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Local author Johnathan Worden has a new book out. It is called The Great Dane Chronicles – Mr. Moose Caboose and the Lavender Goose.

Jonathon says that these books were inspired by and continue to be directed by my experiences with my Great Danes and they gave him the inspiration to write.

He says had written a draft story of Mr. Moose Caboose finds his way, his first book, and wrote the draft around the observations of kind of watching what happens with Moose in real life out on walks around other people, around other little dogs and started to put some of that together as just some unique happenings. Then during the pandemic, he was furloughed and had some time, so during that time he said let me put this book together.

Jonathon says books are stories, we all know that, but you get so much between the pages that are not necessarily written. He says the kids like the illustrations, they like the covers, but the parents are going to love the stories and stories are lessons that maybe they have discovered happened in real life and they can say, remember when that happened, isn’t that like what Moose just did n this book; isn’t that like what the lavender goose is going through. He goes on to say that he likes that they can connect it, and what I mean by there is a story between the pages, is that it is your story, it is the personal story, the story that you navigate with your children and that is what I am hoping to do with these books is to create those conversations.

You can find the book locally at The Totally Buffalo Store in Amherst and Hamburg, and Daisy’s Doghouse, and you can also get it on Amazon.

Johnathon says ten percent of all book sales go to the Sheridan Animal Hospital specifically to the Pet Emergency Fund