AM Buffalo


Kelly’s Choice: How food can help with your mental well being

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BUFFALO, N.Y. (WKBW) — Registered dietician Kelly Springer, spoke with Emily about healthy eating, and how it can help your mental well being. Kelly says we have been through a stressful two years and now with what happened last week, we have so much stress, but I am here to tell you as a registered dietician and understanding the physiology and biology of how our bodies work, that eating foods like berries, vegetables and getting in hydration, all these in combination can actually increase serotonin which is our happiness transmitter. She says when we eat healthy items it actually gives our body the fiber, the folates, the vitamin A, the vitamin C, the vitamin E, vitamin K, iron and all of these different nutrients, vitamins and fibers actually go into help our stress levels, help our brains and it’s just amazing how much impact food and hydration can make on mental health. She says when we talk about having a berry for instance, this actual food is a real food, it’s in a perfect package that has all the fiber, nutrients and vitamins.”

Kelly says “we are very sure on hydration and a product like HOP WTR is amazing because they are actually adding ingredients like ashwagandha. It’s going to help destress, unwind, boost up that mood and your cognitive performance so it’s amazing when we add in real food with real ingredients and get away from the extra sugar, and we can actually be healthier people. “

Kelly shares when she goes to any of the holiday parties, any her friend’s houses she is always bringing the veggie tray, bringing the fruit and she says everyone eats it. She has a recipe for the dip on her veggie tray. She says, I use a plain Greek yogurt, it tastes exactly the same but you are going to get probiotic, it’s also going to help that gut bio to produce serotonin and you are going to get a higher protein. She says by swapping that out and just adding an Italian seasoning blend, it is absolutely delicious.”

Kelly says, “If we can just get half plate healthy, which means getting half your plate of vegetables and fruit you can still incorporate all those fun foods. It’s okay but the majority of the time we need to be getting in foods that are actually feeding our body and hydration. She says HOP WTR is actually non-alcoholic sparkling hop water. It has four different types of hop which gives it that amazing citrus, piney flavor which is like an IPA but it is free of alcohol, calories, carbs, sugar, gluten and it is a great alternative and you aren’t going to be hungover the next day which is also going to help your mood.

For more information on HOP WTR go to:

For more information go to Kelly’s website: