AM Buffalo


Holiday nutrition tips

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Mel talks with registered dietician and author Tara Collingwood about holiday eating and how to make sure we don’t get off track during the holiday season.

Tara says it’s all about balance; we want to enjoy the festivities, but we don’t want to pack on the pounds. So, trying to balance it out with getting a little more exercise, making sure we are getting our movement in, but also filling up on some of the good stuff, especially in between those holiday parties.

Did you know that November is actually healthy skin month? Tara says eating almonds can actually help to benefit your skin and when we talk about skin, we are talking about wrinkles and skin pigmentation, some of those UV rays. She says there was a recent study by UC Davis that found that post-menopausal women eating 2 ounces of almonds a day has a 16% reduction in wrinkle appearance and more even skin tone. Two ounces of almonds is 46 almonds.

Tara says Adkins is the leading the low carb brand and they have an array of nice, sweet snacks that you can indulge in and still get the flavor but not sacrifice your wellness and really watching those carbs and the sugar. They have some new products, the chocolate cream protein wafer crisp, the dulce de leche cake dessert bar, and vanilla caramel protein bar.

Tara says, again it is all about balance and covering yourself in some good quality nutritional products that help us with energy and performance. She says Force Factor is a global health and wellness brand that has some smart supplements formulated with premium clinically studied ingredients. You can find all these products at the Vitamin Shoppe.

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