

Harvesting Sunflower Seeds

Melinda Myers Garden Moment

Sunflowers are a favorite of kids of all ages. 

Not only are they fun to grow, but they're great to eat - that is - if you can beat the birds and squirrels to the seeds.  

Protect your harvest from these critters by covering the flowers with a paper bag, cheesecloth or season extending fabric as the seeds begin to form. 

The seeds are ripe and ready to harvest when the back of the flower head is banana yellow or brown and most of the yellow petals are dry. 

This is also when you can easily rub the fluffy covering off the plump seeds that have developed their characteristic gray stripes.  

You can eat them fresh or hang the harvested flower heads upside down in a warm dry place to dry.  Remove the seeds by rubbing your hand over the face of the flower. 

Store seeds in a cool dry place.  Shelled sunflower seeds can last several months or longer if placed in an airtight container in the fridge or freezer.   

I’m Melinda Myers, check out our website for this and other gardening tips.
