Back-to-School Preparations
Has your 6 year old or younger child been tested for exposure to lead before returning to school? If not, ask your pediatrician to do so.
Seasonal Reminder:
Believe it or not—time to start thinking Flu Vaccine! Not too early to call your MD or get a shot at a local clinic or drugstore.
Vector (Rat) Prevention:
As you start to do seasonal clean ups, avoid having piles of wood & debris on your property that rats can use as nesting places.
As always, properly dispose of garbage in containers with secure fitting lids!
Rabies Prevention:
Environmental Health just concluded annual oral rabies bait drop aimed to decrease rabies in wildlife, especially raccoons. With the ongoing warm weather, bats are still active – if anyone could have possibly been bitten, catch bat if possible, but do not damage its head/brains (necessary for rabies testing).
Please be sure your pets are vaccinated to keep them safe! Rabies is 100% fatal—if you love your pets—dogs, cats and ferrets--get them vaccinated!
3 free rabies clinics in September (9th, 16th, 23rd) Williamsville, Springville & West Seneca respectively.
For more information: Erie County Department of Health –