Are you a Beauty and The Beast fan? You don't want to miss the musical that is happening in the Ken-Ton district starting tonight at 7pm. The cast includes all young people starting at the age of 7 years old. A few of the cast members(Jacob, Alex, Jordan, Abby, Joey and Reece) stopped by the studio today to give us a taste of what to expect if you come to the show. Everyone in this musical has worked very hard over a 6 week period to put this musical together for the community and love every moment of it.
The musical will take place at 155 Delaware Road in Kenmore NY and tickets are $15 for adults, and $10 for seniors/children under 10 years of age. The show dates are August 4 & 5th at 7pm and August 6th at 3pm. You can also get more information at
Beauty and The Beast Musical starts tonight in Kenmore
Are you a Beauty and The Beast fan? You don't want to miss the musical that is happening in the Ken-Ton district starting tonight at 7pm.

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