AM Buffalo


Be a part of our If You Give A Child A Book Campaign

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If you give a kid a book you are opening them up to a whole new world of opportunity. Nariya White knows a thing or two about the power of books. She wrote one. She had a challenging experience at school, so she put pen to paper and wrote a book and realized the pen is mightier than the sword. Before writing comes reading and her mom, Kina White said this has always been a priority in their household.

Across town at the Educational Opportunity Center, the executive director, Dr. Julius Gregg Adams says books give so much more than just words on a page. It’s reading for understanding; reading for meaning; reading to expand your vocabulary; its reading to find linkage to other things and potentially to introduce you to other content areas and other subjects. Reading at grade level by the 3rd grade drastically affects whether a child will graduate high school. Dr. Adams says reading is fundamental, as corny as that may sound. It’s very important for language development; to increase achievement levels and cognitive abilities.

Be Buffalo Strong and give a child a book. Your $5 donation will buy a book for a child. You can donate $5 or any amount. You can get a Buffalo Strong t-shirt for $20 and $7 of that will be donated to the If you give a child a book campaign. Mike Randall says our parent company Scripps and the Scripps Howard Foundation has been involved with the If You Give A Child A Book campaign for four years but it has only been an employee thing and over the past four years Scripps employees have donated over 300,000 books. Now they are opening it up to the public and we are making it part of our Buffalo Strong campaign. We want to get books into the hands of children who really need them.

If you are interested in making a donation click here