NewsLocal News7 Problem Solvers


Marilla man on his way to Carribean after passport problem

US Passports

MARILLA, N.Y. (WKBW) — In May Stephen Murrett applied in person for a passport, ahead of his trip to the Dominican Republic on August 18 for his best friend's wedding.

"Guy is like my brother, I grew up with him," said Murrett. "I don't want to miss it."

Murrett said he had already paid for his flights, and accommodations. However for months Murrett's passport application status said "Not Available" or "Status Pending."

Murrett said he called multiple phone numbers for passport help, but said he didn't get any answers. He reached out to Congressman Chris Jacobs, and a representative contacted him back about a passport appointment on Wednesday, the day before he was scheduled to fly.

7 Problem Solver Michael Schwartz contacted passport services, but did not get a reply back. However on Wednesday Murrett called Schwartz with good news, saying that he was able to have his passport expedited, and got it at his appointment on Wednesday.

If you have a problem you need help looking into, email Michael at

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