

Cross labeled "RIP" put on lawn in stalking case

Posted at 9:26 AM, Dec 08, 2015
and last updated 2015-12-08 09:26:23-05

A stalking case culminated with a cross labeled “RIP” being placed on the lawn of a home, police say.

For more than a year and a half, police say Lawrence Liles, 58, of Warsaw has stalked a person in LeRoy. Officers say Liles “intentionally and for no legitimate purpose” called or otherwise contacted the victim, their family or third parties to harass the victim.

The stalking culminated, according to police, on December 1 around 6:30 a.m. when Liles placed a cross labeled “RIP” on the lawn of a home and left the scene.

Liles is charged with fourth degree stalking. He was taken to the Genesee County Jail on $500 bail.




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